In service and kinship to the intelligence of the Plant Nations and the innate wisdom of the body through tending and deep listening. A percentage of the session costs go back in reciprocity to the wisdom keepers, teachers and elders that I have had the honor to learn from, as well as, to support other woman in community that are less fortunate.

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Personal coaching and integration. Available online or in person.



3 to 13 moons embodied practice and exploration


Treeka: 30 years working with plants and herbal medicines 20 years in altered states of consciousness, birth and well woman care 10 years in sport and event management 10 years of Floating and 10,000 hosted floats Herbalist Holistic Practitioner Traditional Uterine Massage Reproductive Care EcoSensual trauma informed herbalism and advocacy Certified Sundor Firewalk Instructor

These are the spaces I love and have relationships with…plants, water, fire, darkness, birth, transitional spaces and life gates. The arrival space of a new way of being, insights, openings or the death of things that no longer serve, an honorable closing. The liminal in-between space where the fire lives to transform. 

The Forest needs 5 things to grow: Air to transport the seed: Earth to hold the seed: Darkness to rest the seed; Water to nourish the seed; Fire to transform the seed.

I have been in a loving kinship to natures apothecary since I was 17, completing three Dipolma programs: Master Herbalist, Wholistic Practitioner, and Herbal Therapist (MRU), as well as, traditional apprenticeships. Connected to the limitless wonderment of the Plant Nation, their innate wisdom, their capacity to help us heal ourselves, teach us about life and the interconnection of this beautiful world. I love spending time in the forest and making medicines!

The space of birth found me with the birth of my son in 2005. It is a natural state of being and deep honor to sit with women in women spaces; to be a sacred witness to their rites of passage. I currently work in a devoted mentoring roles and synergistic birth teams. 

Floating found me many moons ago when float tanks were still very much underground. My first float was that moment where life as I once knew it, would never be the same. I quit my career I loved of over 20 years in the Sport/Event industry to follow the not-so-subtle call of the float tank and the awe inspiring landscape of self-discovery. Fueled by raw passion and a few incredible humans on the same path, we started up an international not-for-profit to support the emerging community across the globe and to way-find, in collaboration, the rebirth of floatation therapy in 2013…above ground. This lead to the birth of One Love Float, the predecessor to The ForRest.

 My friendship with the dark began about a decade ago with float tanks and a deep curiosity of the potent space it offered for self-work. I did my first 10 day dark sit in a self-curated, community supported container and have been in regular practice with it since. Curiosity has led those with courageous hearts to sit with me, to meet themselves in the oneness of the dark. New moons are natures reminder to spend some time with the dark. 

Firewalking showed up for me during the transition of closing the float center. My first walk was for my 40th birthday. My next, was for my son’s right of passage and 16th birthday. A similar pioneering path as the one to the float tanks, I started to build a relationship with fire through experiential curiosity. Felt like the time I dove into 10 days in the dark, accidentally on purpose, thinking it was one thing and then discovering it was so much more! I sit humbly at the feet of the fire as it teaches me how to tend it. In the spring of 2022 before starting up The ForRest, the call to the fire was like a forest fire in my heart that lead me to Ireland to get certified as a Sundoor Firewalker Instructor and Empowerment coach. Surrounded by the magic of the land, faeries and rainbows, Fire presented itself as an ancient teacher. 

One thing that has been a constant from the beginning is I gravitate towards pioneering paths to inspire others to trust they are safe to step into the unknown, to follow their own knowing, to sovreign choice making and live a life with deep meaning . I would be honored to walk with you.

Treeka: 30 years working with plants and herbal medicines 20 years in altere... Read More

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